How Do I Know When to Seek Out an STD Test?

It can feel confusing and frustrating if you start to develop symptoms of an STD and don’t know where to start when seeking treatment. In addition to the unpleasant symptoms, having a conversation with your doctor about it can seem overwhelming.

But STDs are incredibly common. In fact, one in five Americans will experience one every year. In order to protect your sexual health, getting tested for an STD is very important.

When you are changing partners or entering into a new relationship, protecting yourself and your new partner is not only courteous, but it will keep both of you healthy. If you think you need to be tested, you can come get tested at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland.

Are All STDs Treatable?

While not all STDs are completely curable (like HIV and herpes), all of them can be treated and symptoms can be managed with medication and lifestyle adjustments. In order to prevent spreading an STD from person to person, try to get tested often, even if you feel well. Some STDs don’t present with any symptoms, so you could be spreading something around that you are unaware of.

It can feel silly to go get a test when you feel completely fine, but that is actually a responsible thing to do! Most infections are mild and easily treatable, but if you have an infection that goes untreated, it can become much more serious and cause chronic health issues for you. Come see us for anSTD test. You don’t even need to make an appointment!

Common STD Tests We Can Provide

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis

Does an STD Need to Be Treated?

While there are some instances where STDs can resolve themselves, it is still incredibly important to get evaluated and tested by a doctor. If you don’t, your infection can result in fertility issues, pregnancy issues and complications, and bladder control issues. It seems like an easy decision after knowing what could await you if you fail to get tested!

Seeking professional help is always a good idea. That is what we are here for. We care for all of our patients and truly just want the best for them, and that includes STD testing and sexual wellness as well.

Protect Yourself From an STD

  • Get tested before changing partners.
  • Use a condom during sexual contact.
  • Stay up to date on your vaccines, including hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV.
  • Be honest with your partner about any symptoms.

Are you concerned that you contracted an STD? Come get tested at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland today.