Is My Ear Pain Because of an Ear Infection?

Ear pain is a very common symptom or condition for all ages of people. Allergies, sinus issues, tooth problems and ear infections are all possibilities when it comes to figuring out why your ear is aching.

Having an ear infection can be really uncomfortable! In addition to the pain, it can start to affect your hearing as well. Our AFC Urgent Care Cleveland team explains what symptoms to watch for when it comes to ear infections below, so check it out.

How Do Ear Infections Start?

Infections inside your ear are caused by any other infection in your body. Most commonly, viruses and bacteria can make their way inside your middle ear behind your eardrum. As the infection starts to grow, it can put pressure on your eardrum, which is where the pain and discomfort comes from. It can also irritate or block the tube in your ear that helps with fluid drainage.

If you or your child is experiencing ear pain and other symptoms of an ear infection, don’t panic immediately! Having an ear infection is incredibly common. It is so common, in fact, that the majority of people experience at least one infection before their third birthday.

Ear Infection Symptoms to Watch For

  • Pain inside ear
  • Fever
  • Discharge coming from ear
  • Feeling pressure in your ear
  • Difficulty hearing

Can AFC Treat My Ear Infection?

Many mild to moderate ear infections actually can go away on their own! By prioritizing rest and drinking plenty of fluids, your immune system is well-equipped to handle an ear infection on its own. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, you can certainly take some OTC medication to help with the pain.

If your pain isn’t going away within two to three days or it is getting worse, drop by for an evaluation. Some infections require antibiotics in order to be fully treated, so we can do an exam and look for excess fluid in your ear and any irritation. AFC is here to help treat you from your toes to your ears!

How to Avoid Future Ear Infections

  • Keep your ears clean and dry.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Stay up-to-date with the vaccination schedule.

Is ear pain affecting your day? Drop by AFC Urgent Care Cleveland to visit with our care team.