Should I Be Concerned If My Child Bruises a Lot?

Bruises are typically nothing to worry about. Kids are active and typically quite clumsy—especially when they’re young—which can lead to lots of falls, bumps and bruises. There are rare cases, however, that call for a trip to the doctor to learn more about why your child is getting lots of bruises.

Our AFC Urgent Care Cleveland team highlights what you need to know about bruises below, so keep reading!

Why Do Bruises Appear?

Bruises appear as a result of trauma to the skin, which causes blood vessels under the skin to pop and bleed minimally, thus resulting in skin discoloration that usually appears yellow, block, brown, green, blue or red in color.

Bruises almost never need any special treatment to get better. If your child is dealing with a painful bruise, we’ve listed the best things you can do to care for it below.

How to Treat Bruises

  • Cold compress. If bruising has caused pain and swelling, applying a cold compress is step one. Remember to put a barrier, such as a towel or cloth, between the cold object and skin. Place the compress on your child’s skin for up to 20 minutes at a time.
  • Elevation. If an arm or leg is involved, elevate the limb and apply a cold compress for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, or until the swelling is reduced.
  • Over-the-counter medication, such as acetaminophen.

How Much Bruising Is Too Much Bruising?

It’s difficult to say. Like we said earlier, most young children don’t have the best balance or coordination, which can lead to lots of bumps and falls. Additionally, teenagers often get bruises from playing sports or being athletically active.

In rare cases, however, lots of bruising can be a result of an underlying blood disorder. Also, some medications can increase the risk of bruising, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. If your child experiences the symptoms we’ve listed below, visit our AFC center for a CBC test to learn more about your child’s blood and platelet count.

Signs of a Possible Blood Disorder

  • Seems to bruise more easily than other children
  • Has bruises all over the body
  • Has bruises and also bleeding from other parts of the body, like nosebleeds
  • Has a family history of blood disorders or bleeding after surgeries

Our AFC Urgent Care Cleveland team is here for you now and always! Don’t hesitate to visit us today.