What Happens if I Get Salmonella While Pregnant?

If you have ever been pregnant before, you know all of the rules and recommendations around what you should and shouldn’t be eating. It can be exhausting keeping track of it all! However, these guidelines are in place to protect you and your growing baby.

Coming down with food poisoning is never fun, but it is especially frustrating and even potentially dangerous to do so while you are pregnant.

Our AFC Urgent Care Cleveland team explains what salmonella is and how to avoid it during pregnancy below, so read on.

Why Is Salmonella Dangerous?

Many of the guidelines around eating during pregnancy revolve around eating undercooked or raw foods. Mostly this is centered around avoiding contracting foodborne illnesses like a salmonella infection! Salmonella is the name of the bacteria that can be found in undercooked meat, raw eggs and on unwashed fruit and vegetables.

For the majority of people, salmonella infections cause general gastrointestinal symptoms, but you can expect to experience a recovery in a couple of days to a week. If you are pregnant, keep a close eye on your symptoms. While you most likely will experience the same symptoms, it is possible for the infection to spread to your baby or cause you to become incredibly dehydrated, which is not helpful for either of you.

Salmonella Symptoms to Expect While Pregnant

  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Fever
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Headache

How Can I Avoid Salmonella While Pregnant?

We really recommend that you follow the directions laid out by your OB/GYN and other members of your care team. Avoid eating undercooked or raw meat, cook your eggs thoroughly (no over-easy or sunny-side up) and be sure to wash all of your produce thoroughly before consuming.

You can also contract salmonella from interacting with pets or animals, so be diligent about washing your hands after petting your dog or after taking your other children to a petting zoo.

Symptoms of a More Serious Infection

  • Symptoms lasting more than a few days
  • Bloody stools
  • A high-grade fever of 102 degrees or higher that won’t go away
  • Severe deyhdration

Stomach issues can be really frustrating. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland for a diagnosis.