What Should I Know About Fevers?

Getting sick is much more common at this time of year. If you do fall ill, one of the symptoms you could experience is a fever. A fever might go unnoticed, or you could feel really sick!

Even though it may feel unpleasant, having a fever is actually a good thing in most cases. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland explains the facts about fevers below, so read on.

Why Are Fevers OK to Have?

When you come down with an infection, your body has to work hard to overcome it. In order to do that, your body temperature starts to rise in order to create more white blood cells and slow the growth of the viral or bacterial infection in your body. A fever is diagnosed when your body temperature reaches 100.4 degrees or higher.

Fevers are one of the ways your body works with you to help you heal! If you have a fever but aren’t experiencing any symptoms from it, there is no need to treat it. If your fever is causing you to feel miserable, an OTC medication and some fluids should help you feel better. It is important to remember that treating a fever is only treating effects of the fever and not the infection itself.

Indications of a Fever

  • Elevated body temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher
  • Chills, shivering or shaking
  • Body aches
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating or flushed skin

Can Fevers Become Dangerous?

The large majority of fevers aren’t serious or high enough to be troublesome. In most cases, you have a fever only while your body works to fight off the infection, and then it goes away once those efforts start to work. If your fever fails to go away after a few days or reaches 103 degrees or higher, it’s time to see your medical provider to investigate further.

While dangerous fevers are relatively rare, a high fever could cause organ damage and even brain damage in the most severe situations. The good news is that by keeping an eye on your fever and treating any residual symptoms, you can greatly reduce the risk of this happening.

Watch for These Serious Signs Accompanying Fevers

  • Stiff neck
  • Confusion
  • High fever with a rash
  • Seizures
  • Dehydration

Do you have a fever that just won’t break? Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland.