Why Can’t I Sleep Right Now?

Whether you are normally a sound sleeper or sometimes have difficulty falling or staying asleep, if you’re struggling to sleep right now, you aren’t alone.

While sleep difficulties are common at all times, they’ve become even more common as our country has navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. But you don’t have to keep experiencing restless nights. Let our team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland offer some suggestions.

What’s Disrupting My Sleep?

While we can’t really answer that specifically, in many cases these days, worries and anxieties are creeping into our sleep. Even if we feel perfectly fine during the day, those fears may emerge at night.

This can lead to trouble falling asleep in the first place, or disrupted sleep, where you wake up multiple times during the night with your thoughts racing. Stress is a huge factor in sleep issues these days, and it may also affect your body in other ways.

Effects of Stress

  • Changes in appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • GI issues
  • Mood changes

How Can I Get Better Sleep?

Ideally, you’d get rid of all the stress in your life! (Just kidding.) In some cases, sleep difficulties may be the result of an underlying sleep disorder or another medical condition.

But in many cases, practicing some basic good sleep hygiene habits can help you sleep better at night and get the vital rest you need. If you try these tips and don’t experience relief, talk with your doctor.

Good Sleep Habits

  • Set and stick to a consistent bedtime and wake time, even on weekends and holidays.
  • Come up with a relaxing routine that will help you wind down each day.
  • Make your bedroom a cool and dark environment.
  • Avoid using electronic devices in the bedroom.
  • If you need to use a device at night, try using blue light glasses to filter out the light that can disrupt your sleep.

Not feeling your best? Schedule an AFC TeleCare appointment or stop by AFC Urgent Care Cleveland to get the care you need!