Will COVID-19 Still Be Circulating This Fall?

Now that the kids are back in school and you have your family routine down to a science, it’s time to start thinking about the cold and flu season approaching fast. It is normal for kids and parents alike to contract a few illnesses throughout this season, so being aware of different symptoms and circulating infections is important.

The common cold, the flu and COVID-19 are all possibilities for your family as we head into the colder months. In fact, COVID-19 cases are slowly rising already, which continues to make it a threat for our community.

Our AFC Urgent Care Cleveland team wants you and your family to stay healthy this year, so we refresh your memory below about COVID-19 symptoms so you can get tested quickly.

Can You Get COVID-19 Twice?

You certainly can, which is why it is still important for you to be vigilant even if you had gotten an older variant in the past few years. The virus is constantly evolving and changing, so you may not be immune to the current circulating strain.

We are thankful that there are a few more quick treatment options nowadays, but they work the best when you start taking them at the onset of your symptoms. These antiviral drug treatments can be given intravenously or in a pill form and they can help you feel better faster. Come see us for a quick visit and a rapid test right away!

Possible COVID-19 Symptoms This Year

  • Sudden fever
  • Chills
  • Persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue or muscle aches

How Can I Avoid Getting COVID-19?

We are all professionals at this by now, it seems. The current variants are really contagious, so avoiding large crowds and sick individuals is a good place to start. Social distance when you can, wash your hands often and take care of yourself through diet and exercise.

You should also get a shot of the newly reformulated COVID-19 vaccine. These boosters boost your immune system to help you avoid getting sick. The latest boosters will be available beginning in late September or October. Getting your doses in now can offer you protection when the cases inevitably rise more as we progress into the season.

COVID-19 Symptoms That Are Medical Emergencies

  • Respiratory distress
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • Confusion with a high-grade fever
  • Pale, gray or blue-colored skin and lips

Feeling ill? Stop by for a COVID-19 rapid test at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland.